it was an italian movie, with giancarlo giannini and marcello mastroiano and a goil, but i can't remember the title. no, i've got it: "a drama of jealousy and other things". good film. she was dancing.
so i checked the ten-day toronto weather forecast, and am revising the tentative idea i had to return a little earlier. no like cold.
it's spring here, as it no doubt is in toronto too - at least on the calendar - but here it actually is. there was a parade this morning to celebrate with all the pre-schoolers in costumes - i'll put a couple of pictures up.
also got the photos of the baby sea turtles that i posted about way back, so i can show you some of them too. don't know who the "you" includes, or if anyone reads this besides pancho canada, but it's there, for whomever has the time to follow my drivel.
the other morning i was alone on the beach when i arrived, so i had my exercise/meditation/walk/run in peace. i was becoming quite philosophical, watching the water come in and go out, thinking that each run onto the shore was like one life, when so many had been arriving there since time immemorial. we wash in, get wiped out, then another one is there in seconds. it's all relative, isn't it, in the zillions of years that the ocean has been pounding. so i was in a zen frame of mind. but then the dogs - and owners - from hell arrived. stupidos perros that came charging towards me, jumping up and all over me. do i hate dogs like that!! i was hollering "jesus christ!!!", and trying to knock them away, which just maybe translated my annoyance at these stupid people who won't keep their animals on a correa, a leash.
the next morning i kept my keys, which are on a long lariat, handy in my hands to whap at the idiots if they reappeared. how quickly serenity and love goes out the window, eh? idiots.
this morning i was back, and standing in one spot, and espied, just turning my head ever so slightly, the jerks with their dogs now safely leashed. my contribution to customer satisfaction.
baby sea turtles just before release |
scrambling to the sea, where they will swim for 6 days to reach the current |
the king of primavera taking a drink while the queen looks on |
the zumba routine seems to be waning for me. jumping about non-stop with no thought to stretching or my own body's needs, as opposed to those of the woman who runs it, just doesn't suit me. i go, but i often end up by just doing my own thing along with the music. just like my real life.
as for the "access consciousness" treatment i had - that throwback to the 60's hippies and gurus - i must be perfect already. well, i sort of knew that years ago, when another one of those 'spiritual guides' looked at the whorls of my fingerprints, and was astounded to see they were all "whole", - round and complete, - which is apparently very unusual. I hate to brag, but....
in any case, i've been waiting for some super consciousness to arrive, but alas, i'm just 'xactly like i was. she had told me that all the points cleared, no problem. i must be amazing. and I must introduce my head to my soul sometime. will be massaging her, in return payment, this afternoon.
a few spring frogs dancing |
let's all keep dancing.